Pre activity: Bailamos para sacar la pereza.
Once upon a time a herd of elephants
that lived in a beautiful savanna near a great river. In that herd there lived
a small elephant named Tilin.
Tilin had something that made it very different
from its herd, since its fangs began to grow, they were characterized by being
more and more golden; This made them reject him always and did not allow him do the activities that common elephants carried
One night as usual Tilin was far
from his herd, that night he felt more lonely and sad than ever, because Tilin
feared storm nights and because of the big clouds and the amount of lightning
that he could see in the firmament he knew how much it would rain. Late at
night and without being able to sleep, he heard a loud noise in the distance
coming from the top of the mountains and thanks to the light that emanated from
its fangs, he saw that a strong avalanche was coming.
Tilin ran to inform his pack that
they slept at a certain distance from Him. That night he was able to guide them
to a safe place, because the light of his fangs were so strong that it served
them to see in that darkness and thus they managed to break through to a place
sure. Since then, Tilin has been considered a hero by his community and from
that day on they named him their leader.
Moral: we must never judge others by their appearance; we must understand that we are all different and our singularity at some point will help us.
importante: el dibujo se debe hacer en una hoja o cartulina, se debe enviar vía WhatsApp antes del 30 de octubre, el dibujo debe contener el titulo de la fabula y dibujos referentes a los personajes o a la trama de la fabula.